Become IRIBA Franchisee
Safe drinking water for your school in 4 days!
School confirms an order for the IRIBA water ATM
IRIBA conducts technical surveys to identify technical requirements.
IRIBA & the School agree on terms of business and sign a service contract
IRIBA & the School agree on terms of business and sign a service contract
Why safe drinking water in schools is so important?
- 47% of schools in Africa don’t have reliable safe drinking water.
- Each year, children lose 443 million school days because of water-related illnesses.
- 40% of diarrhea cases in school children result from transmission in schools rather than homes
How we address the challenge?
Through a flexible lease-to-own model for self-funded schools, IRIBA installs all-in-one smart water ATMs with inbuilt water purification, storage, and automatic dispensing technologies which provide students with reliable access to safe drinking water at all times of need